i am a planner. i believe we should plan so that we have a goal to reach~
i started planning since i was in secondary school. the plan was:
to get 10 A1s
to go overseas for my undergrad studies
to become a dr
to open up a hospital with my friends
to marry my first boy friend
to be committed with NGOs
needless to say, the first two nvr came true. we may plan, but Allah is there to decide what is best for us.
so here goes, the new plans that insyaAllah will happen, i hope.
the plans make u want to achieve them, a part of my motivation;
to graduate as a doctor on time, may 2011
to do my housemanship at sultanah aminah, jb
to become a peads/general surgeon @ emergency med specialist
to continue with my postgrad in newcastle
to sponsor nadiah and zayds pocket money in university
to bring someone there with me and learn together
to build a family and a partnership with my husband
to enter the private practice in order to save money
to actively participate in MERCY malaysia
to live in a house near a surau/masjid
to become a lecturer at CUCMS
i wrote this post just in case i forget all this and need to refer huhu these goals night change tho, so i can give no guarantee..but inyaAllah, they will all come true
Have a Lovely Weekend.
2 days ago
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