Sunday, December 20, 2009

10 firsts of 2009

since we are going to end this year in a couplle of days, i guess i'd list down my firsts this year:

in 2009, i:

1. traveled abroad alone

2. gave a speech at an international conference

3. went to a pub

4. went to the emirates stadium

5. cooked lauk melayu! [ achievement! ]

6. traveled to three countries in two months

7. ate a cooked meal a guy made me

8. stayed in the UK alone for a month

9. defied a Prof known for his strictness

10. went on a Dessert Safari, smoked shisha and bellydanced!

and the list will go on later for the next chapter~ including the secrets that i have stay tuned ya'all!


zara said...

i wish to go abroad alone like u beb..[aihh~]