Sunday, July 11, 2010

that very special person: edahayati!

bak kate eda: die nk masuk blog..make sy nk ckp

cik edahayati bising n comel :)

haha erm well went dancing to Jai Ho today with mama, bash n nadiah..FUNNNN!!!

just thought of putting all my sisters in this post ( d-tandoor )

am starting internal medicine tomorrow in Hospital Putrajaya, thus am very scared and excited at the same time. i think that this particular posting, the more you know, the less knowledge you actually have because what you know is sooo little. huuu

the never ending pursuit of knowledge!! i like~

the joy of 3rd year Internal Medicine

also, Dino ( winnies boyfriend ) is coming tomorrow!! i am sooooo excited mcm my boyfriend laa pulak coz they have been together for 5 years i think but we have all never met him!! ahaks i am really hoping for bugsy to be able to come too actually..coz i'd be nice, and quite important for me to introduce them. after all, wny is my best friend.