Monday, October 26, 2009

spine surgery

cervical x-ray [ lateral ]

had a lecture with dr radhii again today [ build rapport with him and he will tell u loads of interesting stories. his lecture was on spinal trauma and it was suberb! did not even feel sleepy for once [ but that could have been the herbalife ]. we learned the approach to a patient with a suspected neck injury but at the end of the lecture it suddenly turned into a surgical approach of the patient pulak with our never ending questions.

spine surgeons have to have really balanced hands since they are doing microscopic examinations and handle nerves as well. so kalau i become one, it's a very sound alasan to say that i cannot miss my meals :)
the idea of working in trauma cases has always been an appeal to be besides peadiatric surgery and i once asked dr radhii is it ok for me to pursue emergency medicine since i am a very kalot person?

he said: ' kalot tak ape, tapi kene kalot systematic. '
nuna: ' hurm.... cmne laa kalot systematic...'

so back to spine surgery, thier approach is soo cool in the sense that they can even do open mouth surgery where the ENT surgeons open up the muscles at the back of the mouth and the surgeons take it from there since we have better access of the C1 and C2 there.

open mouth x-ray

so though it might be dangerous and risky, imagine the adrenaline rush and excitement u'd get everytime u want to do a surgery!! wargh!! [ suke suke suke ]

x-ray pics: