Wednesday, September 15, 2010

pre-open house

guess which one i chose?
so we're doing an open house insyaAllah on saturday ( whoever reads this do come )'s a check-list of things we need or needed to do:

1. grocery shopping: we went to carefour today and bought about 550 worth of groceries and had to use two trolleys ( gilakn? )

2. the menu: we have to start cooking on friday, i kinda have to make 3 Shepard pies and 150 red velvet cupcakes ( die~ )

3. the tent: uncle amir will be pasanging out tent on friday afternoon and we will have five tables set up

4. cleaning the house: this has taken at least one week to do and it's STILL in a mess, though so much better

5. cutlery cukup: so we went to ikea and bought cupcake stands, serviettes and what not.

it is very tiring to host an open house, but InsyaAllah it will be worth it

p/s: Nads got new specs and they are edgy, while i am set on a pair of Coach sunglasses!! however, bought myself some flats for school as mine sudah hancur :)

sorry nads ,had to put this in :)