Monday, October 11, 2010

blog needs a makeover

mommy layaning nadiah and zayd while having lunch with family at Bangkok House

my weekend has been a blast ( do visit my fb page for the pictures ).

muslimah fashionistas for a day: syuz, wny and me

on another note, wny introduced me to hana tajima, a UK based designer who creates new ideas for muslimahs on how to done their hijabs and clothes. she's wonderful!

taken from her blog:

i have a couple of reflections for this week. the first on how i am so inadequately boring when it comes to make-up and style. yes, i have never bothered before and i will bother from now on. when we start working later on, we won't have time to bother about all this. i was at my friends blog and her style of blogging is very much up to trend now, even her way of writing. many girls our age are beginning to blog like that and it is a joy to read their posts. all about how to be creative while taking care of your aurat. so i have decided to venture out and follow different sites then the ones i follow now. currently, everyday i visit these sites while updating my tumblr daily:

new ones are:

but do realize that there are actually a lot of other bloggers who layan muslimah fashion and it's really cool. tell me if u know any.

secondly, i think i have had a lot of heart to heart talks for this month the last one lasted for 4 hours straight and we have never talked this long before. it cleared a lot of things, owned up to not being happy wit someone from his past even after 2 years ( i know i should be secure by now ). my confidence is lowest when i compare myself with prettier, cleverer and thinner women and i'm working on improving that.

my blog was started solely for personal reasons, an online diary which will be privatized as soon as i graduate. however, i wish i knew how to make it nicer and more reader friendly since i'm now in ortho and we have three free days ( nunabuek needs a makeover! )


nz said...

suke blog br! :)

The Wind said...

Saw Hana Tijana's blog. Wow! Supercool! Definitely inspiring! Her clothes are not too expensive either. Hope Bash is checking it out too.

Anonymous said...

Hannan! im following style covered because i simply like her style, theyre simple but have its own class.....NICE! like this entry~