Wednesday, October 20, 2010


paramore ROCKEDD!!!

it was a VERY VERY VERY satisfying performance yesterday, though only for one and a half hours..i went with the aim to not have a voice by the time it finished, though i didn't manage to get that, it was very awesome indeed.

i didn't know Hayley could head-bang like that.
i found out that the guitarists are handsome.

i wish i had bought the mahaler tickets

take home message: before going to a concert, hafal all their songs, or else u'll be like me......" nadiah, nie lagu ape? " and be jealous of the hardcore fans ultimately i have nads to thank for forcing me to come with her hehe love u too!!

oddly enough, the song i could relate to was Misery Bussiness, goes a bit like this:

Two weeks and we caught on fire
She's got it out for me
But I wear the biggest smile
Whoa, I never meant to brag

But I got him where I want him now

Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now

I watched his wildest dreams come true
And not one of them involving you

Just watch my wildest dreams come true

Not one of them involving

i know it's a mean song, sorry..