Saturday, October 2, 2010

bowling and being ambidexterous

i have never been good at bowling!!

as i was about to have buka at KFC ( yes i know, FAT! ) i was told by my housemates who had earlier went to Ikea that they would like to continue their evening with bowling or ice-skating. i like both, but i am not good in bowling. so i asked them to confirm with me and i ended up being at Alamanda with the girls for a night out.
my first game sucked horribly. i did not want to take pics of the score as i sucked big time. i used my left hand, and for the 2nd game i improved after using my right hand ( no points guessing which hand is stronger ). the place was very packed and the music was really loud. we were sandwiched in between teams that scored strike after strike while we laughed at ourselves for getting 'consistent' zeros! hail farhana for winning the overall score :)

do not guess which one is mine

i have known that i am ambidextrous for quite some time now, having realized this in 2nd year. some of the examples include:

1. writing
2. cutting
3. playing badminton and football

1. bowling
2. ironing
3. cooking

and both hands: typing ( obviously ) and suturing ( i just change hands when i'm tired ) yeay for us!!!