Sunday, October 31, 2010

warning: emo post.

trust me, i don't like it when i get pre-menstrual syndrome. the emotions suck me dry and i regret doing a lot of things like upsetting myself and those around me.

today, i'll talk about individuality. noone should tell you what you are, what you should do. they can suggest, bt untimately you decide. i know, i am a high strung person, a control-freak if u say so..i plan my life, i know where i want to be in 5, in 10 years time..and yes, i would like to be with someone who plans as well bt if that is not meant to be then so be it.i have a lot of goals i want to achieve. things i have promised myself on how i want to enjoy my youth before children arrive. so that i won't look back and regret. and that's what makes me who i am.

you, whoever you might be out there. u are urself. don't judge, don't expect things and definitely don't assume. make YOUR own choices, your OWN decisions. there will be people who don't understand, people who despise you. i have my share of those. open yourself up, be the individual you want to become. in short, find yourself.

and if you want to, i am the last person to stop u..i don't want to and i will not. even if it means keeping us at bay. if that's what you want.